Saturday, January 21, 2017

There Be Undead Dragons

My first submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge is a 15mm Undead Dragon to go with my HOTTs Undead Army. It is my first completed work in about two years. I have found it difficult to find time to paint, especially during the day, with the full benefits of natural sunlight. My eyesight is not what it used to be.

The figure is by Reaper Miniatures and is listed as 03644 Skeletal Dragon. I had to hand drill the holes in order to properly glue the wings, but other than that the figure was easy to assemble. The paint job itself was a  black wash over Vallejo  Dark Sand as bone. The figure is mounted on a 40mm x 60mm base covered by Liquitex Black Lava texture gel. I think it provides a nice, simple field for the Undead.