For years I lead a very active wargaming life playing
microarmour. I remember purchasing my first vehicles from Heroics and Ros in
the late 1970s for what worked out to about $0.25 CDN per vehicle.
Over time, I played many rule sets but I kept returning
to the set that offered the perfect combination of
complexity and playability, both for World War 2 and the Modern Period. I refer
to the WRG Armour and Infantry
1925-1950 (June 1973) and Wargame Rules for Armoured Warfare 1950-1985 (June 1979).
This 2nd rule set replaced the earlier version of the rules which
covered to 1975.
My introduction to the revised Modern rules was at a gaming convention held at St Mary's University in Halifax against a team from the Armoured Warfare School based at CFB Gagetown. They taught us civilians a lot that day.
WARGAMES RESEARCH GROUP - Rules Ancient and Modern
and other periods in between, a website by Sue Laflin-Barker, provide pdf
downloads to these and other out of print WRG rule sets.
My only complaint about these rules was the level they
presented the infantry and heavy weapons units. I imagine they are what would
be labeled as fire teams. My own interests tend towards a squad level unit, using
markers for multiple hits. In recent
years I have tended towards Blitzkrieg Commander for WW2 and Cold War Commander
for the modern period. For these rules I looked at rebasing the majority of my 600 infantry as squads on a 40mm x 20mm
base and I am very happy with the results.
WW2 Soviet Hvy MGs |
WW2 Soviet AA Gunss |
WW2 Soviet Mortars |
WW2 Soviet Combat Engineers |
WW2 Soviet Anti-Tank Rifle Teams |
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