Thursday, December 4, 2014

Norman Knights (II)

I painted a unit of 12 Norman Knights during the summer of 2013. The figures were by Black Tree Design, and I was happy with the results. However their shields were pretty drab and the bases had not received their full treatment. This fall I placed an order to Gripping Beast to purchase a pack of their Norman shields and to order some  Little Big Man Studios ' transfers. I think the results speak for themselves. Something now has to be done about William the Bastard's banner.

The Saga Continues ...

This post is about a month overdue. I was the very fortunate winner of a giveaway by Monty Luhmann whose blog, Twin City Gamer is worth talking a look at. He does some fantastic work, and the photo of the Viking Warlord I received is a fine example. The stand is the start of a Saga warband. The rules arrived in the mail two weeks ago and I now have to paint the followers of this fine fellow.

I had previously started to paint a 28mm DBA Viking army, but now I am torn. Do I finish the army, or do I rebase the figures for the warband? The following figures were on unflocked bases and the work on the elements was completed at the same time as the Norman Knights. 

However this was before the idea of a Saga Warband was planted in my head. As well as having another 40-50 Wargames Foundry figures to paint, I also have a stack of RAFM Vikings in my mountain of unpainted lead.