Saturday, October 8, 2022

Sarissa Precision - Small House

 Earlier this year I picked up some early war French and German figures for Bolt Action. In the package was the Small House N-009 by Sarissa Precision, Today I put it together. Overall I am impressed with both the quality of the components and the ease with which they fitted. Having picked up some of their Streets of Rome, as well as some of their English Timber Framed line, I feel this bodes well.

The only tools were my trusty blade and a bottle of Elmer's white glue. I have left the house in three parts. I still have to decide if I will keep it "au naturale", or subject it to spray paint. It was far too windy today to go out and fulfill such a mission.

My other project for the day, was to make a staff head for my room-mate's nine year old niece. It is for a Halloween accessory some character named Maleficent. I have two weeks to complete this project. My instructions were for a large gem stone, supporting a crow/raven to be mounted on a staff. 

No members of the Corvus corax family, were captured, injured, or stuffed in the production of this project


  1. Great work on the house. I’ve had great results from Sarissa kits. Love the staff head.

  2. A realistic and lovely house!
