Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Vikings 28mm Wargames Foundry Part I

I'll begin this posting with some light entertainment by the Muppets about our fun loving Norsemen.

While I was painting my Seljuk Turk DBA army I thought I could kill two birds with one stone. Every time I dipped a brush into paint for the 15mm figures, I would use the same brush and colour on a larger scale figure. I looked around and saw that I had a clear plastic storage box with a collection of Wargames Foundry Viking figures already cleaned and primed. I won them on eBay about 5 years ago.  In total there are about 80 Figures and I thought that I would work on a quarter of them at a time.

Six Elements of 4 Blade
1 Element of 3 Aux (ulfhedinn)
2 Elements of 3 Blade/Aux
Since I prime my minis usually with 4 or 5 foot 28mm figures on a craft stick at a time I figures that this was more a more sensible approach then trying to paint 80 large figures at once. My attention does wonder, especially in summer. Like much of the northern hemisphere in Montreal we experience our first real heat wave of the summer. With the humidix the temperature was in the mid-40s C most of a week. It’s hard to paint in that type of environment.

Possible Choices for General (4 man Blade)
1 Element Bow, 1 x 2Ps (Scouts)
Recently I was checking out the troop types needed for a Viking army due to my recent 2nd place finish at Cangames and the resulting prize. The 80 Foundry figures should provide enough figures for a DBA Viking Army. The Foundry Figures are just too chunky to base on the standard 20mm deep element. So this army will be fielded with Blades with a 30mm depth

Painting Totals for the Month of July
39 x 28mm Vikings
43 x 25mm Colonial Gunners
1 x Siege Engine
18 x 15mm Seljuk Turk Cavalry
18 x 15mm Seljuk Turk Infantry

Some Other Odds and Ends that were also Painted
1 x 15mm Baueda Wargames Tent

7 x 15mm Essex Medieval Cavalry (Came with the tent)

1 Element 4Kn (Eastern)

1 x 3 Cv (General)

6 x 28mm Medieval Cavalry (Mix Revenge/Black Tree Designs)

A Couple of Young Rakes Showing Off the Lastest Style of German Armour


  1. Nice work Robert, its surprising what you can get done with a little left over paint.

  2. We had too much of that unseasonably, not natural in Nova Scotia mid 30's and humid weather here in July. TG its back to normal.

    So did you really GIVE those Vikings the excess paint? or did they just TAKE what they wanted?

    1. They're Vikings. They took what they wanted and more...
